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Proactive Conflict Management Workshop


Conflicts are inevitable parts of our lives and work.   In work places, they exist among team members, peers, management, subordinates, customers and suppliers every day.  The ability for Front Line Managers (FLM) and Team Leads in managing conflicts is critical for organization success.   Effective conflict management skills allow organization to grow, innovate and harness the diversities, generate synergies and team work among teams.

This workshop equips the participants with a good understanding of conflict management, knowledge and skills to effectively manage the conflicts and achieve the desired outcomes.    Case studies are used for participants to experience and practice the learning.

Special considerations are needed to effectively manage conflicts among parties from different countries or cultural background.  In addition to the everyday sources of conflict, "misunderstandings” may arise when members of one culture are unable to understand the others, due to differences in communication practices, traditions or thought processing.

The workshop also provides better approach and strategies, to prepare, plan and proactively manage the conflict situation in among all teams. This proactive measurement further enhances the effective conflict management for organization success!


The objectives of this Workshop include:

  • Understand the major sources of conflict
  • How successful conflict management can improve organization performance
  • The five general techniques of managing conflict
    • Forcing /Directing
    • Collaborate /Problem Solving
    • Withdrawing /Avoiding
    • Smoothing /Accommodating
    • Compromising /Reconciling
  • Effective ways to manage conflicts
  • Understand the personality types
  • Understand cultural differences from international teams
  • Strategize to manage conflicts proactively
  • Case Studies